Dear customer, let us inform you about our latest 400 kW DC/DC converter in SiC (silicon carbide) technology, which is characterized by the smallest possible design with the highest possible efficiency. Rental devices for test installations are also available on request.
We have supplemented our portfolio in the high-performance range with regenerative Power Factor Correction (PFC) modules, which also offer very high power density and top performance. The PFC modules are regenerative and have freely programmable phase angles, so they can also be used as phase shifters.
We see ourselves as an OEM partner, for example to electrical energy storage or hydrogen electrolyzer manufacturers. Our modules can be bundled into systems of several megawatts. Our engineers and programmers have created their own control systems for this purpose. We achieve our high power density through the consistent use of water cooling. As recoolers are usually constructed with copper material, we also use only pure copper for the heat exchangers in our new high-performance products. As in the electronics sector, we can realize anything for mechanical components, as we also have our own mechanical production facilities with CNC machines.
We have been a recognized manufacturer of power sources for discharge lamps for UV radiation generation and pump lamps for laser technology for over 30 years and supply for applications in industry and medicine. Our technological background has constantly evolved and our quality and production monitoring has grown with the requirements of medical technology. The challenge of delivering technical feasibility at an optimum price-performance ratio has always been our driving force.
Our 400 kW modules were created with funding from the Bavarian Energy Research Program of the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy with our own development team of engineers and technicians, based on our basic competencies.
We have been working on SiC components since they first became available to industrial users in mid-2012. Among other things, laser power sources with pulse powers of up to 900 kW have been realized.
In addition to pure circuit development, we also pay attention to cost-effective manufacturability through the combination of automated production steps and monitored and documented manual processes. To this end, we set up our Computer Aided Works division for worker guidance systems a few years ago.
We therefore see ourselves well positioned as an OEM supplier for “power at the highest level” because we have the combined expertise of electronics, mechanics and IT in-house.
iie GmbH & Co.KG is a certified development and manufacturing company.